Do ya feel LUK-y, Hero?
Gold, games, and green gear galore! It MUST be Lucky Day, and that means the Shamrock Fair is back in town! Join Mog O'Rahilly, Ringo, and all the other Fair-folk for a month* of LUK, leprechauns, and lots and LOTS of loot!* The Fair will stay in-game until April 13, so get your game on while you can!
Lucky Day Rewards and Rares!
It's your LUK-y Day, because we've got loads of lucky rares and rewards for you to earn! Talk to Mog O'Rahilly in the /luck map and he'll tell you how to earn these sweet seasonal rares! We'll also have some AC rare-rares, too!- Scrooge McLuck 12 Armor, Sword, Helm, and Cape set! (member-only)
- Fortune's Blade 12 (member-only)
- Lucky Mercenary (AC rare)
- Lucky O'Daggers (AC rare)
- Sack O'Coins mace (AC rare)
- Lucky Charm 12
- Celtic Paddle of Pain 12
- Lucky Emerald Cutter 12
- Leprechaun's Curse 12
- Lucky Knight 12
- Lucky Knight's Helm 12
Evolved Leprechaun Class!
Luck o' the Leprechaun Class to ye, me lads and lassies! And we mean, it, too. The Evolved Leprechaun Class is loaded with LUK; you'll be crackin' crits all over the place when you battle baddies with this beastly class!
Some shops leave and some shops stay!
You'll notice the Spring Limited Time Shop and the Australia Day shop have both left Battleon. But the Dage Deathday shop is still there, so never fear, Legion fans! If you haven't had a chance to earn the requirements for your favorite rare Legion item, you'll have ONE MORE WEEK in which to get them! (Due to so many people asking nicely for the shop to stay, and because we had an issue with one of our payment sites, we wanted to make sure everyone who wanted to got the chance to get these epic items.)
J6, AQW's Lead Artist, has a chance to win a contest go into outerspace. For real, in real life. No joke. And YOU can help send him up there, where he belongs! All you have to do is head to this site and click the button. You can vote once per day, EVERY day until the contest ends. So if you haven't voted yet, get your rocketboosters in gear and go go go!Help us send him there!
As of this writing, J6 has 14,939 votes, and 99% of that is YOU guys helping to send him there. It's amazing what the power of a community of individuals can do when they band together. Nothing is out of reach, not even the moon!
So whether or not J6 wins the contest, gets shot into space, and draws the first extra-orbital AQWorlds item, you guys made a difference in helping one artist realize a life-long dream. For that, thank you. :)
Magic Thief Guest Author Event!
Join us for a fantastical AQWorlds in-game special event with magical literary guest-star, Sarah Prineas. Meet magicians, thieves, nobility, and misery-monsters as her characters cause Chaos! She's graciously allowed us to write her characters into an all-new story that takes place on Lore.These are misery eels. They feed on your sadness.
Join us NEXT WEEK for the most magically - and massively - manipulative event yet!
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